Past Episodes
Last week one of the biggest Tech events in the Tech industry went down in Brooklyn, and HotinTech was not only there, we interviewed the best of the best, including none other than Carmelo Anthony, whom I found refreshingly knowledgable about Technology!!
1st we talked with Dropcar, a new valet service app that could very well be the uber of car parking! Then we spoke to one of the co-founders of the Bae app, the dating app specifically for the urban culture, especially the Hip Hop Culture! For all my true geeks out there, we got a chance to look at that advanced wheelchair seen in the “Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice”, it’s def incredible, and cost $14K….Dope chair but only rich ppl, companies, and movie makers will be able to afford that, BUT they got plans to have you using one!
Obviously the big deal was being able to interview Carmelo Anthony about his ‘Melo7 Tech Ventures’ Company, but we also got to ask some pretty cool things, like how his Son is involved with the company, how he deals with internet Trolls(and y’all know y’all be trolling), and who he wants to see at Summer Jam. I need to keep it 100, there were a lot of reporters there trying to holla at Melo, but he chose us, sooooo, hold that haters! As one youtube commenter told me, I’m just going to ‘relish THE LOOK’ *Smirking face emoji*
Also published on Medium.