Like all of you, we at Nue are trying to figure out how to make things work in these crazy times.
Every block I walk in New York right now has pop-up restaurants. They may be serving at half capacity, but the hustle is real. The spirit is there and the energy is electric.
Meanwhile, behind those walls, there are smart owners trying to figure out how to reinvent their businesses. Try having a conversation with one of these savvy entrepreneurs. Their work ethic and creativity is inspiring.
Music, as we know, has it rough right now. With concerts and touring unofficially canceled until June 2021 (but realistically later), countless entertainment industry livelihoods are at risk. Of course, there will be exceptions, like the much discussed drive-thru charity event The Chainsmokers + JAJA Tequila put on. But well-paying opportunities are few and far between.
Sports might not be in much better shape. The Olympics were pushed and college sports were canceled. The MLB’s shortened campaign got off to an incredibly bumpy start with a COVID outbreak in the Marlins clubhouse and NBA Bubbleball is no question one of the weirdest things to ever take place. I might opt for the documentary when it’s over rather than suffering through the day-to-day.
As an avid tennis player and fan, I’m excited about the US Open returning in September, but with no fans, Arthur Ashe and its new retractable roof will be eery, to say the least.
Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr. might be tight. Shouts to Triller for putting its money where its mouth is in taking on the lead sponsor role.
And what about the NFL? The NFL seems to be taking a “by any means necessary” approach. Logically it doesn’t make sense — at least in baseball the players spend most of the time six feet apart — but the NFL is barbaric in nature. And everyone is going to watch! Lol.
To be honest, I’m even worried about the content landscape. People are consuming sooo much. Yes, new platforms like HBO Max, Disney+, and Quibi are popping up, but most of this content was shot before the pandemic. With a second wave possible and production halted, what will there be to watch come Christmas? I’m still bummed that Billions cut mid-season.
As always, there is opportunity in crisis. If all eyes are on pro sports, specifically the NFL, there will be room to create ancillary culture content around those weekly conversations. The games will become tentpole moments for culture, content, fashion, and commerce.
I find it brave of the athletes to do whatever it takes to compete for our collective enjoyment. I hope they can hear us rooting them on!
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