Beats & Bytes – Music Dominates Social

In Uncategorized by Nue Agency

Another Social Media Week is upon us in NYC.

We love this conference. Not only because we’ve been there since the beginning, as both advisor and advocate, but also because it dives deep into social media’s ever changing relevance in various aspects of culture.This year there isn’t much on the topic of music, so we put together some thoughts about how brand marketers can better learn to navigate and utilize social media from the way artists are utilizing this form of communication.

To that end, it is important to note the following:

  • 6 out of the top 10 Twitter accounts are musicians
  • 8 out of the top 10 Facebook accounts are musicians.
  • 6 out of the top 10 IG accounts are musicians.

Why is that? Because savvy musicians get to know their audience through social media. The audience in-turn gets to know the musician. This positive relationship builds trust, influence, and loyalty through any and all social channels.

Musicians embrace their influence.

Musicians are fun, creative and versatile.

And when it comes to social media, the best musicians create meaningful, unexpected and customized dialogues with their fans.

There are many artists that are really doing this right and dominating the charts because of it. All for another conversation but this week should be a learning adventure.

Glad to be back!


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Instead of one podcast this week we bring news of three new podcasts that Spotify is producing including Showstopper, Unpacked, and The Chris Lighty Story.

Spotify Gets Into Podcasting


Every week myself along with 100 million other Spotify users get a personally curated playlist. But How? The Science of Everything investigates.

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Akai Pro’s iMPC, a pad-based music production app, was originally developed for iOS, but now it’s coming to Android, too.

Akai’s iMPC comes to Android


These tech-aided, brainwave-created music experiments bring a new meaning to “straight off the dome.”

10 Pieces Of Music Created With Brainwaves

Also published on Medium.