Past Episodes
We love bringing emerging technology to the forefront, and this may be our favorite to date! iDime, a very small and mobile flashdrive for iOS devices(at least ones up to date with a lightning port) and also for android, it’s just android we know doesn’t really have a problem with expandle memory. Of course there are iOS flashdrives in the market but not up to 256gb’s and not as small, AND as far as I know Not iOS to iOS or iOS to Android directly!
Here’s how the promo works, become a backer, and once the project becomes fully backed, which it will since it’s been up a week and already at 65%(you better hurry the fu** up and get in on this!!), you will get an form letter to fill out and the last question is ‘how did you hear about iDime? THAT’s where you put ‘HotinTech’ and boom, you’ll get a necessary accessory FREE with your shipment.
Also published on Medium.