The interactive portion of SXSW has flown by.
I love #SXSWi but there really isn’t anything like SXSW music. It’s the original reason people came to Austin and although Interactive has stolen some shine, music is still the bedrock of it all. The nights go later, the music is louder, the crowds are rowdier and the vibe is definitely more wild. But that doesn’t change the SXSW attitude of openness. Open to take risks. Open to exchange ideas. Open to discuss failures and successes.
Openness is why collaborations first happen here. Why artists premiere here and why everyone deals with the bullshit the conference and city puts you through to get here. There is a badge of honor to launching your latest innovation at SXSW and a super fertile environment to do so. Shoot, the original beta of CRWN was with Kendrick Lamar at SXSW. And we first premiered FlashFWD here. The conversations are happening around every corner. It’s exhilarating to see everyone out here embracing the new.
But there is a reason Austin is my second favorite city in the US. In Austin people are open and weird, and artists and companies will continue to feed off of that type of energy exchange. I saw it this past weekend and I’m excited to see what happens in the next few days.
Hit me up if you’re in the mix on Twitter or follow along on via Snapchat Jessekay3000.
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