The creatives’ juices are flowing. New ideas are beginning to blossom. Music is starting to connect again and feel raw. The soundtrack to summer is taking shape.
I’m seeing a burst of fresh apps, products, and companies, which is huge. New platforms are crucial because technology is the key to novel ideas gaining traction. Many were conceived during the pandemic; others just make more sense now.
The country is finding its soul, tapping into purpose, and demanding equality. A lost Spring set up a Summer Revolution and everything feels different. Riding my bike to the office today was invigorating. I can’t go to a museum IRL, but I don’t need to. The street art downtown reflects this moment so beautifully.
A “new normal” is so exciting. The first-ever ‘digital’ BET Awards were beyond phenomenal. I’ve attended in person and had a wonderful time but the creativity and message brought to the online viewing experience was beyond powerful.
We aren’t going back to where we were. We’re ready for new voices and new leaders. The people want change and artists are taking note. But we need to keep going. The officers who murdered Breonna Taylor have not been charged or tried. Click here to help make this happen.
So while you’re celebrating the nation’s independence this weekend, remember: nobody’s free until we’re all free.