As wild and uncertain as times are, and as hard as this year has been, I’m steadfast in counting my blessings and doing my best to live in the present. There’s a lot to be grateful for.
Tonight is Thanksgiving Eve, which is the third biggest party night of the year. I’ll never forget my early promoter days, when we rented out the Tunnel and had Funk Flex DJ for everyone we knew; or the many Friendsgiving dinners my high school homies had before we hit the bars in Dobbs Ferry & Hastings. These are memories I’ll never trade
Thanksgiving is different this year with the World Cup putting an international twist on the traditional sports watching bonanza. All the footballs.
There’s a lot of innovation around the Macy’s Day Parade this year. It’s still on my bucket list to work that event in a meaningful way one day. Just putting that out in the universe…
Mostly, I’m excited to be in the Catskills with my extended fam spending quality time and drinking my latest concoction, the apple cider mimosa. Thank me later.
Black Friday we get leftovers for the US-England match, which I’ll be glued to, and Saturday is Small Business Saturday. I like to support small businesses and so do some big brands. Verizon and AMEX are both doing cool activations this year.
Back in Miami Saturday & Sunday night there’s a great immersive art festival, Art With Me, that I’m hoping to catch. Prayers up for no plane delays.
Monday is Cyber Monday, where the best sales of the year live. I’m buying a turntable that pairs with Sonos and I’m spinning tunes all holiday season at home. Send me your favorite new jams.
For Giving Tuesday, there are some great causes to get involved with. My favorite is Resolution Project (where I sit on the advisory board). We support underprivileged entrepreneurs and you should, too.
Then it’s right into Miami Art Week and the VIP previews of Art Basel. I’m leading a talk on Hit Making, Music, and Web3 with the one and only super-producer, Timbaland, his partner Zayd, and the host of Revolt’s Meta Money, Stockz. It’s at the James L. Knight Center on Tuesday at 2pm. You can still get tickets to DECENTRAL, the premiere Web3 conference at Basel. Use code beats40 for 40% off.
The docket is packed and I’m trying to love every moment. However Covid is still in the air and I’m definitely worried about loved ones this holiday season, again. Wishing you all a full heart and a fuller belly this weekend.
No Fields Found.Also published on Medium.