Greetings from my new hometown of…. Miami!
You read that right: after a solid run as a pandemic nomad, I’ve planted my roots in the Magic City.
This is not the Miami of the past — the Will Smith, “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” Miami. This is the Miami of…ok fine, it’s still Will’s.
But Miami has truly changed. It’s the capital of Web3, the epicenter of the metaverse, and the hotbed of blockchain & NFT culture. New York Magazine is calling it the new Silicon Valley.
Sounds scary, right?
Miami is one of the greatest social experiments of modern times. An immersive mix of cultures, “the Capital of Latin America” is a melting pot not unlike the one I’m leaving behind in NYC. Only it’s gorgeous year-round.
There’s influential art and culture (Basel!), and fantastic culinary experiences that bend rich traditions. There’s capital-O opportunity (and no state taxes). And, most importantly, there’s community. Friends old and new are building new lives down here. With the bright colors and ocean sparkles, anyone can make Miami their muse.
Art Basel is right around the corner, so I know I’ll see some of you come December. By then I’ll have learned the ropes. But it’s just week one, so I’m gonna soak up the sun (safely, of course).
See you soon.

Also published on Medium.