Spring is a time for fresh starts. At NUE, we recently refreshed our office space, relocating from the legendary EMI/Capitol Records building to a progressive coworking space called The Assemblage.
Moving to The Assemblage took us away from our familiar tech, marketing, and music hub and transported us to an entirely new terrain. Most of the companies in our new building work in the health and wellness space. Since the move, we’ve been reinvigorated with new ideas and inspiration from outside of our industry. It’s been a game-changer.
As brands continue to work toward enhancing people’s lives (and not just turning a profit), our new neighbors at The Assemblage are helping to educate us around this new consciousness and expanding the way we approach our agency’s brand partnerships.
On a personal note, I’ve been embarking on some wellness efforts of my own, including two cleanses designed to detoxify mind and body. The first is a traditional nutrition and fitness cleanse, which will be a much-needed reset for the coming months. The second is a social media cleanse, as I’ve committed to step away from my smartphone and rethink my relationship with some of my go-to apps and platforms.
I am calling this double-cleanse MarchFWD, and I welcome you to join me in this endeavor. Message me if you want more details on both. Spring is one of the most glorious times of the year and I am excited to see what blossoms in the new season.
– Jesse K
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