Costa Rica, Next On The Agenda

In Beats + Bytes by Nue Agency

What a year! Is this what anybody was thinking when they were calling it the roaring Twenty-Twenties?

It’s been a non-stop digital bonanza. From the explosion of NFTs and digital tribes (DAOs); to online concerts, Zoom meetings, and the growing relevance of the metaverse; we’re “plugged in” in a whole new way.

It’s amazing how productive we can be in this digital realm. Part of me loves it and part of me feels like we’ve over-accelerated the future. I’m not certain our brains are built for this.

My whole day is spent communicating on screens. And now, to wind down at the end of the night, I’m watching other screens and ingesting still more content. It’s the golden era of modern television, for chrissake. I can’t turn away.

But I am feelling digital fatigue. I oscillate between wanting to optimize my digital for these fast-paced times, and wanting to unplug and connect with nature and a higher source. How much input can our bodies handle? Are you really about that Ready Player One life?!

The ferocious competitor and legendary DJ, Funk Flex, used to do a 40-day reset from Thanksgiving to New Years. That always inspired me. When everyone was overdoing the stuffing and egg nog, he was locked in, getting in mental and physical shape. Why wait ‘til January? Why not pick up the momentum to finish out the year at your strongest?

I might have missed the 40-day window, but there’s still time to unplug, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m headed off the grid – to the ocean; to the rainforest; to read and journal and process one of the most transformative years of my life.

Digital is the new detox, baby. We’re on moving meditations with yoga. We’re learning to surf. I mean…who’s bucket list isn’t that on? Well, I’m doing it this holiday season.

That’s why – to quote one of my favorite artists, Kid Cudi – “Costa Rica is next on the agenda.”

I’m hoping to come back centered and clear to dance with a new year. I want to fully integrate with 2021’s lessons and growth.

I’m wishing you all love, light, and a happy Nue year. I’ll see you on the other side. Stay safe out there.

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Also published on Medium.