In the early days of the social media boom, musicians were at the forefront of utilizing digital media to amplify their appearances and build awareness around their shows. Now as the quest for likes becomes a way of life, more and more companies are getting in on the act by creating equally enticing standalone events that attract attendees and are stimulating for the gram.
A couple of close colleagues and I want to kill the term experiential as we believe it doesn’t truly encompass the digital aspects of the physical event and not to mention, it feels dated. Instead, we propose, Phygital Marketing, defined as when the physical world integrates with the digital and bridges the gap between offline users and online consumers. In other words, a unique event that drives a sense of urgency for attendance, harmoniously engages consumers with the presenting brand, is an immersive experience for the senses, provides a real-life value-add to the attendees and creates real-time moments & memories.
Phygital focuses on making the “three I’s” a reality: immediacy, immersion, and interaction. Here’s what each entails:
Immediacy: works to ensure things happen at an exact moment in time
Immersion: the user is part of the experience.
Interaction: generation of communication to activate the more physical and emotional part of the purchasing process.
We have a few exciting campaigns coming soon that we believe exemplify this approach and look forward to sharing them with you soon. In the interim, fellow brand marketers, let us know as soon as Phygital makes it onto your conference call bingo boards!
– Jesse K.
P.S. Speaking of phygitally focused events, tune in to our hit web series today at Noon on Tidal with J.Lo & Elliott Wilson. Watch with your lunch or breakfast coffee (what’s up West Coast) and a link to where to watch
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