HOT IN TECH: Interview with Audiomack

In HotinTech by Nue Agency

Damn Daniel, We’re back at it again with the next episode of HotinTech with David Macli, & David Ponte, the Co-Founders/CEO’s of Audio Mack!! In this episode we touch on several topics important to every Artists, and music fans alike, like what the music streaming services should be doing and where they’re going, How Audio Mack may get into the VR space, and maybe the most important, does Young Metro trust them!!

Pretty Dope, I never knew they recorded Migos with an Orchestra, Imagine that in VR! I really enjoyed their refreshing POV of Music Streaming, and content should not be restricted across the diff platforms, and they would suggest artist put their music on Not just Audio Mack, but on Soundcloud, Apple, Tidal, Spotify, or where ever else an artists can get it, they are for the culture!!! Big Shout to David Ponte, and David Macli(Thank You Guys!!), not only does Young Metro Trust You, so does HotinTech!!! If you don’t already have audiomack, you def played yourself, BUT, no worries, we got you here, DL NOW:


Also published on Medium.